Postre Coffee Rice Sanson

Coffee ‘Rice Sanson’


  • 5 cups milk
  • 400 ml condensed milk
  • 200 ml milk cream
  • 1 cup white rice
  • 140 ml of Sanson Coffee.
  • Cinnamon
  •  Cherries


In a saucepan add the rice and cover with 2 cups of milk and 1 cup of water. Cover and bring to low heat until it evaporates.

Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.

In another pot pour the milk and let it boil, then add the condensed milk and the milk cream, and add them to the rice preparation, mix the ingredients well until obtaining a smooth consistency.


Remove from the heat and add Sanson Coffee, stir for a few minutes until the consistency of the rice is creamy. Allow to cool.

Serve in individual bowls and garnish with cinnamon and cherries.
